Lose Weight with Help from Our Team.

Turn to Balance Health for weight loss programs in Greeley, CO

Losing weight is challenging, especially if you don't know where to start. Perhaps this is the first time you're attempting to lose weight, but for most people, the weight-loss roller coaster has been taken them up and down for decades! Fortunately, Balance Health approaches weight loss as an issue that goes beyond calorie counting, "points," and macronutrients. Instead, Balance Health promotes a multifaceted program which includes changing bad habits, implementing mindful eating (vs. stress and emotional eating), fasting, improving gut health, optimizing fiber intake, getting better sleep, increasing physical activity, toxin elimination, supplements, and when appropriate, medication assistance. We work with each individual client to tailor a program that includes sustainable lifestyle changes to set you up for success long-term. Our weight loss program is directed by our knowledgeable healthcare providers; they will also be familiar with your personal health needs so that weight loss can be safely attained.

Interested in learning how to Balance the Scales for yourself? Call 970-330-0333 to schedule your free consultation at our clinic in Greeley, CO.

This service is available to all our Balance Health patients as part of their monthly membership, but it is also available to non-membership patients. Don't let the fear of a membership keep you from reaching your goals!

Balance your mind, body and soul with our weight loss program

Your weight loss coach is your personal cheerleader. Our program will help you:

  • Improve your mindset.
  • Address poor gut health.
  • Choose nourishing foods.
  • Develop a healthy fitness routine.
  • Manage stress and emotional challenges.
  • Discover the right medications and supplements.
Take the first step toward reaching your goal weight!

Contact our office today to schedule a meeting with our trainers to see which weight loss program will benefit you the most.

Read Matt's testimony:

In December of 2022, at 40 years old, I was in the worst physical shape of my life. After learning that my yearly blood tests were all headed in a bad direction, I knew it was time for a drastic change. After consulting with the team at Balance Health, we developed a full scale weight loss plan that included clean eating and fitness training along with some medical intervention. The results have been nothing less than staggering! In a 5 month period I was able to drop 65 lbs with very minimal muscle loss. My eating and drinking became more disciplined, my physical stamina saw some major increases, and my blood work turned completely around. Even since the medical treatment portion has ended, I have found the energy to continue to push myself to new limits. In September of 2023, I hope to compete in my first Triathlon. The work of Balance Health has, no doubt, added years to my life!